The Eagle’s Eye is the official student-run publication of Trumbull High School. The views expressed in the commentary are the opinion of the majority of the editors. All other opinions are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ideas of The Eagle’s Eye. As journalists, the members of The Eagle’s Eye staff are committed to upholding the core of our code of ethics: objectivity, integrity, and truth.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Book of Basketball is a Swish!
Simmons, also known as the Sports Guy, writes a weekly column for and is obviously a rabid basketball fan. Growing up in Massachusetts and Connecticut, he is a huge Boston Celtics fan with a major infatuation with the teams of Larry Bird, Kevin McHale and Robert Parish. This is Simmons' second book, his first was a compilation of columns about the Red Sox, entitled Now I Can Die in Peace.
Many doubters are hestitant to pick up this whopper of a book mainly due to it's size, but don't let that fool you, it reads much easier than you would believe. One of the reasons the book is so lenghty are the abundance of footnotes, but they are not vital to the narrative and even the author writes that they are okay to skip. However, this book is not for the faint of heart. Obviously, you need a passion for basketball because it is heavy on details and inside knowledge.
The book's main goal is to determine the best players and teams in NBA history and why some players and some teams understood what it takes to be great. Simmons takes his sweet time getting into the swing of things, but when he does, he really owns it. His vast knowledge and his humor sparkle with every word and anecdote. One of the brightest portions of the book is his convulted comparison of portland Trailblazer great Bill Walton "the whitest man you can find" to rapper Tupac Shakur, "the blackest man alive." The Book of Basketball is riddled with pop culture nuggets like that, making it one of the funniest and most entertaining book I've read. I highly recommend it to all those that would treasure a 700 page tome about basketball, pop culture and will make you laugh 'til it hurts. And that should be everybody.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Spirit Flowing Through the Halls
Everywhere you looked, in all directions, you could not escape the constant stream of spirit permeating through the majority of Trumbull High School. Spirit week, an annual tradition at Trumbull High, occurred during the week of November 9th to the 16th.
Every day of the week held a specific theme, and it all kicked off Monday the 19th with Twin Day. As the day progressed, you saw people wearing the same shirt/pant/shoes hats combination or the few that went all out and wore wacky matching costumes and strutted around these halls like they owned the place, and as long as the few that dressed up remained twins, they did own it.
Up next on Tuesday was class theme day with each grade picking outlandish spirit costumes. The freshmen class was implored to wear their favorite flannel or fleece for Pajama Day, the sophomores chose to become tropical island natives, wearing flowery Hawaiian shirts, leis and a daring few even graced board short bathing suits for the occasion. The juniors and seniors however may have had the best themes. The class of 2011 had the outlandish idea to wear togas in the honor of the ancient Greeks and Romans and the seniors had the brash idea to split their class in half between Cowboys and Indians. The halls were filled with boys in cowboy hats and girls in cowboy boots and “chiefs” with headdresses. On the 11th, Trumbull High solemnly honored Veteran’s Day by having an assembly at Madison Middle School. Thursday, as usual, was one the obvious highlight of Spirit Week with the legendary Rent-A-Senior day. From the opening bell to 2:27pm, Trumbull High was forced to acknowledge the wild and crazy imagination of their peers. Their were crayons, Jamaican bobsled teammates, Scuba Steve, rival Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks cups of coffee, and multiple characters from the movies Alice in Wonderland and Willy Wonka.
The rollicking week concluded with our ultimate display of school by wearing our school colors of black and gold for Homecoming. Every year, Spirit Week is a highlight and something that everyone can look forward to. Incoming freshmen to outgoing seniors, teachers and faculty, all are looking forward to see what next year’s Spirit Week is going to accomplish.
Annual assembly: The Underage Drinking Forum
As an extension of the Trumbull High health curriculum, the forum conveyed the grave yet overlooked consequences of alcohol abuse by providing students and parents with a variety of knowledgeable and credible speakers. These individuals each had their own personal encounters to share and told stories of past experiences, ranging from physically being an alcoholic, to being a doctor faced with daily alcohol related injuries.
Topics such as underage drinking and legislation regarding parental responsibilities when handling alcohol were addressed, according to the permission slip given to freshmen. Trumbull High's very own Intervention Specialist, Mr. Mecca, said "...we cover all aspects of the causes and dangers..." of alcohol abuse.
Essentially, the forum was held to raise a general awareness about the underestimated dangers of alcohol, with the hope that students will walk away well informed and equipt to handle the social pressures connected to drinking.
By: Jill Epstein
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Girls Swimming Has a Successful Season
In the regular season, Trumbull High swimming finished with seven wins and four losses, earning a spot to compete in the FCIAC tournament. The highlight of the season arguably was a victory over rival Staples High School. Sophomore Caitlin Cole called the meet “a HUGE rivalry [meet] and a HUGE win for us.” According to team members, Trumbull High swimming should have finished 8-3, but they “messed up” a meet against Stanford, according to sophomore Jazzi Cooper. In the end, I think they just underestimated their opponent that day. Big reasons to why Trumbull High’s season was a success are the leadership of the seniors and great coaching all around.
Trumbull High Girls Swimming had high hopes coming into this year, and without a doubt, they met the expectations of everyone. The obstacle for next year is maintaining the high level of play that they achieved this season. One goal the Lady Eagles would like to meet is being better focused, which sophomore Jazzi Cooper says was a big weakness for the team this year. When asked about the main goal for Trumbull High next season, she simply replied, “Go 8-3.” Cooper, like every member on the team, has high hopes for the state of Trumbull High swimming for next season. Personally, I can not wait to see how the Lady Eagles finish in 2010. It will definitely be as successful a season as they had this year.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Rent-a-Senior Day Dazzles Students
by: Andrew Vojt
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Varsity Field Hockey Ends Season

Girls Varsity Soccer
Coach Uhrlass told me nothing but positive things about his captains. He described senior Meg Loughman as "a consistent player who brought creativity to the field." Loughman also proves to be a real team player, as Uhrlass stated she had "great passing ability." The other senior captain, Kara Kapell, is full of drive, described as "bringing speed and hustle during a game. [She] is a real threat to other teams, as she is always ready to score." Kapell "puts pressure on the other teams backline," always giving her all.
Seniors are not the only ones keep the team running, as Junior Marissa Pearson is one of the three captains. According to Coach Uhrlass, "she is an excellent ballwinner." The backline also holds up well, with Melissa Rubin (grade 10), and Rebecca Smith (grade 10) as a "solid Defense".
Varsity Players deserve a round of applause, as the whole team works hard as they come onto the field ready to go. Their sportsmanship and teamwork keeps their coach smiling. Cheers for Varsity, you keep Trumbull High Proud.
By: Katelyn Avery EE Staff Writer
Friday, November 6, 2009
THS SPIRIT WEEK 11/9-11/13
Monday: Twin Day
Tuesday: Class Theme Day
Seniors: "American History Day" - Cowboys & Indians
Juniors: "World History Day"- Togas
Sophomores: "Ethnic Diversity Day" -Hawaiian
Freshmen: Pajama Day
** we understand that the official names are broad, but we encourage everyone to dress up under the unofficial names. inappropriate costumes will as always not be tolerated.
Wednesday: Veterans Day
A House wears red
B House wears blue
C House wears white
The homeroom with the highest participation in each house will recieve a Breugger's Bagel breakfast in order to be counted towards your homeroom, wear a shirt that is your house color!
"blue" jeans and accessories don't count.
Thursday: Sponsor-A-Senior Day
Friday: Black & Gold Day
Everyone wears black and gold
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pink Ribbons and Sweet Treats
GOP prevails with Tim Herbst at the top
Hard work does pay off in Herbst's eyes. “I would like to thank Ray Baldwin for his years of service to this town and this country,” he said in an interview with the Trumbull Times. After thanking his volunteers, he pledged to enjoy the evening and then get right to work the next day. Trumbull is now eagerly awaiting Herbt's new lead, waiting to see what positive aspects he can bring to the table.
Election Day has passed and all Trumbull can do is participate in the victory of Herbst throughout the community. Although some are not very happy about this win, beliveing Herbst has limted experience. However, the town of Trumbull will soon find out.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Let it snow, let it snow… October?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Car Crashes Into Trumbull Center Dunkin Donuts
Fly It By The Eagle's Eye
I don’t have time to do homework after work. What do I do?
Balancing homework with our daily lives can be challenge; whether it is sports, work, or after school activities, many students at Trumbull High find themselves coming home during dinner time. They’re tired and exhausted, but still have about three hours of homework to do before hitting the bed. So what do you do? Time management is key. The best way to manage your time is by making a schedule. Calculate every minute of your day and schedule your homework in those extra fifteen or twenty minutes you have free. You may find that you have quite a few of these small chunks of time and they can add up quickly to 3 hours. You can always try and multitask during your free periods; eat your lunch while you do your homework or try and get to school early so that you have time before class to finish up your work. But remember, school always come first. If you feel as if you’re struggling with coursework, you should think about your priorities; you may have to sacrifice one of your hobbies in order to find time for homework.
What can you do on your first date in Trumbull?
The Bow Tie Marquis Cinema is probably the best place to go for your first date. It’s really the only place in Trumbull for teens besides the mall. It also adds a less stressful environment since you don’t have to make small talk if you’re completely nervous. Avoid the mall at all costs; not only will you prevent your date from having wandering eyes, your date might also feel uncomfortable if they feel like they have to buy you something. Marie’s Sandwich Shop in Trumbull Center, which is now open after dark, is also a great place to go and eat; you might want to go to Starbucks to have a coffee and nice chat as well. The Parlor Rock has a beautiful trail too, if you want to go for a walk or bike ride.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Grading Obama
On Tuesday November 4th, 2008 history was made with the election of the first African American president and on January 20, 2009 he took office. During the time period before president Obama took office he chose cabinet members sooner than any other president in history. It seemed at the time like Obama had a plan and was ready hit the ground running once he was in office. Now about a year later after all the campaign promises and the debates, is President Obama living up to his word? Is he a better president than former president Bush?
So far on the list of successes for President Obama, he has worked rapidly to try and get America out of its economic depression. His cash for clunkers plan boosted auto sales for American companies. His bailout money helped get America out from the bottom of America’s economic depression. For all his effort and success I would give him an A on this issue.
Obama still faces many challenges one being the War in Afghanistan. He will soon have to decide whether or not to add additional troops to Afghanistan. In Iraq he must keep one of his campaign promises to withdraw troops. We will have to wait and see what Mr. Obama does in the coming weeks. However the House Armed Services chairman, Ike Skelton urged Obama to focus mainly on Afghanistan and not Iraq. He warned Obama not to make the same mistake as former President Bush made in 2003. In my opinion President Obama has made no major mistake in Afghanistan but has not made any great steps forward besides sending more troops to Afghanistan earlier this year so I would give him a C. I feel sending more young men and women will not help. The Soviet Union also tried a similar plan in the 1980’s but it failed.
Many would argue that President Obama’s greatest challenge right now by far would be the battle over healthcare. American healthcare is currently ranked 37th out of 191 countries world wide. President Obama does have a legitimate reason to want to reform healthcare in America. He promises not to raise taxes for people making under $250,000 in his healthcare plan. It is estimated that this plan will cost about $856 billion over the next 10 years. Many Americans believe that if President Obama’s plan is passed then there will be long lines in doctor’s offices and the overall quality of healthcare would go down. Others argue that it will insure that this plan will benefit the millions of families struggling without health insurance. According to 86.7 million American families were uninsured between 2007 and 2008. I feel that Obama is working hard and trying to be bipartisan with his proposed bill. I would give Obama B on this issue. Opponents still argue that under this plan people making over $280,000 a year and businesses will face the burden of the cost for this program.
I think President Obama’s biggest mistake was getting involved in a fight between a Harvard professor and a Cambridge police officer in which he called the police stupid for arresting long time friend Henry Louis Gates. This was unlike the President’s usual careful choice of words. This was a mistake, however, President Obama was quick to apologize for his choice of words after his original statement. Besides this isolated incident, I do not think President Obama had made any major mistakes.
Overall I think Obama deserves a B. He has faced the toughest economic recession since the Great depression and was left with two wars when he took office. Has he done everything right, no but at the same time no President is ever completely right because there is always someone who disagrees.
Kevin Choi
Staff Writer
JV Soccer Update
Camille Bova
Krista Veikos
Staff Writers